Saturday, August 28, 2010

Alternative Transportation Fair

Check out a video by University of Louisville's Justin Mog describing a program to help people get more exercise, free up parking spaces, and probably save money by cycling or using public transportation.

Justin's solar home is will be site #4 on this year's Louisville Solar Tour 2010.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

Looking at an insert in this month's LG&E bill, customers are offered an opportunity to buy renewable energy for the Kentucky grid. Going to the web site one can find out more about this program. It appears the energy is obtained from wind power generated in Indiana and low-impact hydro in Kentucky. Green power is defined on the site as being generated by low impact hydro power, landfill gas, wind, biomass, and solar power.

The flier goes on to state that the program is certified by a non-profit ( One should study this site and its parent organization CRS (center for resource solutions).

The cheapest way to help the environment and your pocketbook is finding ways to cut energy usage waste and trying to use less in ones daily living.