Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Real World Solar Story

An interesting blog to read about finances is called Boston Gal's Open Wallet. Daily this anonymous blogger reveals things she and others do to improve their net worth or finances. One big item she embarked on was having solar panels installed on her house 2 years ago. She recently posted her analysis of how the project has fared. It is a nice posting with spreadsheet data comparing electricity consumption and billing the last 4 years. She also graphs it so you can see the big savings in the summer and not so much in the winter.

With the rebates her system costs about $7,000 with an anticipated payoff in 14 years.


I like this report which appears to be pretty realistic. Remember though her heating appliances are gas which are not really helped by the solar system. Of course, she is also supplying electricity to a renter so conservation measures are probably negated somewhat by that fact. Plus her geological location is not the most ideal for solar energy.